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We build the most luxurious stores from eco-friendly materials and always under certification.


Some featured alternative materials we use


First 100% recycled cast acrylic sheet. 
Made by Madreperla is same pure, high quality acrylic that in virgin products.


Up to 40% of all production waste is recycled to create the reinforcement layers for their products.

Lacquer & Paint

Made with up to 75% non- toxic & renewable materials (water + BIO resin).
Deriving from innovative refining processes aimed at converting “waste” vegetal matter that is not fit for human consumption.


Low formaldehyde emission.
Finsa produces a wide range of products based on the market offering various MDF fire retardant solutions, moisture resistant, free of formaldehyde, with low formaldehyde content, compact boards, lightweight, bendable, and a wide variety of features.


Up to 85% stainless steel is from recycled content.

  • Lowering environmental impact.
  • Reduction of energy/KG.
  • No leaching of chemicals into soil.
  • Reduced impact through the recycling of stainless steel, packaging and PVC.


Corian® has long life cycles and requires less replacement over time, offering exceptional cost- effectiveness with reduced waste.

Our enviromental certificates

ISO 14001

Full production capacity in compliance with the critria of the ISO 14001 standard.

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FSC® mark

Manufacturing with products come from responsibly managed forest that provide environmental, social and economic benefits.

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TJC Group works under PEFC to ensure forest sustainability with a local perspective that generates benefits for all.

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Ecovadis Gold Medal 2024

TJC Group has been awarded a Ecovadis Gold Medal, being among the top 5%.

Energy optimization

Reduce energy use at factories as investment in renewable energy. Our factory is heated using the leftover wood chips from each process, which are automatically aspirated for subsequent

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